Saturday 7 June 2014

I've Got To Get Myself Fitter!

It's a bit of a weird situation, really.  I really enjoy keeping fit.  I like the act of exercising and when I do it, I feel much better.

But it's those initial steps to get you off of the sofa and actually doing something physical whether it's running (or more like a waddling lurch, in my case), cycling or something like resistance training (my favourite, at the moment is training with kettlebells).

Anyway, I've made a mid-years resolution to get myself fit.  Not just fit to stand up and put the kettle on...but fit enough to run for a respectable distance or cycle far enough to make a difference (I don't need to drive a car every where...a lot of my journeys are just a couple of miles - a bike is perfect for that).

My plan?  Mornings, I will do a short session just to get the blood going - using the kettlebells I shall do a 10 minute session.  This may not seem much but if you train with one of these great pieces of equipment with some effort behind it, you will not only improve your strength but will work on your stamina and, most certainly, your cardio.  Using a 'bell for a few sets of swings will make your heart and lungs think you've been running up and down hills at a fast pace!

After that, in the evening, 4 or 5 days a week I'll be either:

Rowing machine / elliptical maching

How long will I keep this up?  For the foreseeable, my friend.  I have been putting on too much weight and I want to do something about it.

If you're interested in following my progress then you're more than welcome on my main blog Fitter and Alive or see my posts here.

Any motivating comments will be gladly appreciated!

All the best,
